Tiffany Chen

Company: GentiBio
Job title: Vice President, Discovery
Panel Discussion: Women in the Workplace 3:00 pm
Understanding the challenges faced by women in the workplace, the workplace experience as a woman and a woman in power and most importantly, how to ensure equal opportunities for women.Read more
day: Driving Diversity in CAR-TCR
Developing TCR & CAR Targeted Engineered Treg Cells for Autoimmune Diseases 11:00 am
• Developing TCR targeted EngTreg GNTI-122 for Type 1 Diabetes • CAR discovery for EngTreg therapy • CAR EngTregs for other autoimmune diseasesRead more
day: Autoimmune Focus Day Pt 2
Chair’s Opening Remarks 9:00 am
day: Autoimmune Focus Day Pt 1