Gwen Binder
Company: Cabaletta Bio
Job title: President, Science & Technology
Industry Leaders’ Fireside Chat: The Opportunity for Next-Gen 8:40 am
Instilling the importance for innovative platforms and technologies to further enhance cell therapy efficacy Reviewing clinical advances of next generation programmes across solid tumours and autoimmunityRead more
day: Conference Day 1 - AM
Modifying Gene Expression to Turbocharge Functionality of T-Cells 11:30 am
Manipulating expression of various genes to augment cell activity Lowering gene expression to increase stemness and persistence Armouring cells to prevent antigen escape and therapeutic resistanceRead more
day: Day 1 - Track A - AM
Next Generation Engineering to Armour Cell Therapies to Boost Potency in Solid Tumours 10:02 am
day: Day 1 - Track A - AM